
October 11, 2012

Passionfruit Flowers

For me passionfruit flowers are one of the most stunning flowers ever, but I had never seen a banana passionfruit flower before.  Not until this morning.

We discovered we have one in our garden, and although I thought they were a pest plant - this one apparently is a non-invasive edible one (red banana passionfruit) perhaps planted by the previous owners.

I am in love with these flowers as much as the original ones. They almost look like a cross between a fushia and a hibiscus in such a vivid pink you would think it wasn't real.

Can't wait to see what the fruit are like - has anyone eaten banana passionfruit before?  Are they any good?  I would love to know.  We thought we might plant a regular passionfruit next to it and let them grow up the trellis together.

Yum - can't wait for summer :)



  1. a friend at work bought in some banana passion fruit once. They were huge and delicious! But I think they were from the invasive type. Passion fruit flowers are stunning!

  2. Yes This is the Colombian Antioqueinsis passionflower. The fruit is oval shape and bright yellow in color. It is also tasty and sweet ! The best of all passionfruits - excellent purple pink flower and tasty fruits. Very rare! I have a plant in my garden too!


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