
November 04, 2012

On My WorkTable

Been a bit busy here over the last little while.  Winter capes, coats and hats have been heading off to the post office virtually every day and I have been busy making things for the upcoming Christmas markets.

I spend time in the studio each day when our little girl goes down for a nap, and in the evening too when I am not too tired.  In between fulfilling online shop orders, stockists, building up stock for markets and working on some new designs - it seems there is never a spare minute in the day!

This weekend past we had a stall at the Michael Park Fair.  My honey had fun with our little girl exploring and sampling lots of the yummy food while my friend and I manned the stall.

It was our first time there and what an amazing day we had. It was incredibly busy and quite exciting.  I'm really glad we spent so much time preparing lots and lots of stock - but even so, some of the items were cleaned out within the first hour!

Thanks so much to all those who supported the fair and turned out (in the rain) to enjoy the festivities.  I hope to be able to do it all over again next year :)



  1. oh my god that is eye candy right there! they are gorgous! and they look so warm and cosy.


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