
February 09, 2013

An upcoming birthday

We are keeping birthday number two very sweet and simple this year.

It seems lately that the smaller and simpler I keep things, the more I enjoy them.  Our little girl loves company and is always ready to charm an audience, but large gatherings can be a little overwhelming for her too.

So this year will be a small family gathering at our tree-house, a bring-a-plate barbecue picnic if you will.

I have slowly been working away on her birthday gifts since the end of last year, and they are nearing completion.  Here is a little sneaky peek at them coming together in the garage and on my work table.

Any guesses on what they are?  Will share more soon.



  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Last year, I felt pressured to throw a party for my little one's second. It ended up being kind of a disaster. This year, small, simple, but special is the name of the game. I agree with you that is best :)

  2. Small is definitely better, I even get stressed with small gatherings! It seems that everyone at school and kinder has parties at venues these days (which cost a few hundred dollars!) I'd much rather a small, more personal party, with just a few friends or family at home. Can't wait to see what you're making.


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