
April 23, 2013

Baking - Oat and Orange Scones

Our baking today was oat and orange scones which we ate for our afternoon tea.  We halved the recipe, substituted currants for cranberries to make six large delicious scones.  Yum.   We have been trying lots of delicious things from the lovely 101 cook books site, well worth a visit if you haven't already.

Poppet is getting quite skilled at patting the dough into a round, although she does like to sneak a few of the cranberries whilst on the job.  I put a few extra into the mixture at the beginning for just this reason :)

I am loving this new ritual of afternoon baking with our little girl.  She simply loves this time, and it seems to add a certain calmness and sense of achievement to my day too.



  1. Sounds delicious
    I'll need to try these school holidays :)
    See you tomorrow x

  2. PS: Ange from Tall Short Tiny does a foody linky on a Tuesday .. .. ..

  3. Love the idea of these - making scones scares me a little (I don't know why!) but maybe these might help me get over that!! Thanks so much for joining in x


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