
July 15, 2013

Update on the Hottie Project

Every few days, my heart swells.
Every few days I am amazed and humbled by the generosity of people.
Every few days I receive a parcel of hottie covers for The Hottie Project.

The other week we sent off 146 hotties to children in Christchurch.

146!  With more arriving every few days...  So exciting!

Opening the parcels and discovering such wonderful creativity is incredible.  I am astounded by the effort which has gone into them, and such lovely ideas.  Not to mention the gorgeous hand written cards accompanying many too.  So heartwarming.

Mothers and daughters, craft groups, church groups, school children, retired people and everyone in between, creating beautifully warm and cosy covers.  Each and every hottie cover made by hand, with love and with intention.

I hope the children love their new hotties and they bring not only warmth but comfort too.

The last care parcel is due to be sent at the end of July.  If you would like to take part there is still time!  Please visit The Hottie Project page here for details.

I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to this project, from New Zealand and around the world.  

You are so appreciated.  

PS:  If you don't see your cover pictured, it may be because it was sent to an address which is not in my city. Sorry!


  1. Look at them all! I shouldn't be surprised, because it is such a worthy cause. Thanks again for all your work setting up and coordinating this project, Lisa.

  2. wow, some amazing hottie covers!! Have sent mine down via Miriam x

  3. Theyre all so lovely :)) great to see so many being received!

  4. Wow wow wow - so awesome!

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    wow so grand :) what a beautiful gorgeous array of love and warmth. ..There may just be a bit of time to make one from me.

  6. This is such a fabulous, fabulous initiative! And what a fabulous collection of gorgeous covers you have been able to share!!
    :) Hazel

  7. Anonymous11:19 PM

    This is the loveliest project, and it's my pleasure to have made a hundred covers,and some matching beanies and tissue packet covers to send down to the brave kids in Chchchilly Christchurch. Arohanui, from me, Jenny from Jinny's Pinnies .


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