
September 13, 2013


A portrait of our little girl, once a week, every week in 2013

Ice cream is like a magic food.  It brings smiles when they have been lost for a while, and seems to be a great pain reliever too!  Apparently you can't eat ice cream without sunglasses - holding them is acceptable however...


Previous portraits here

Joining in with Jodi and the 52 Project


  1. My gosh she is adorable! Allllmost as cute as my little girl,

  2. Oh the poor wee soul ... she looks quite happy despite experiencing lifes mishaps :-) So glad she can enjoy her icecream & manage to smile. She is a delightful picture your girl. x0x

  3. Oh my goodness!! I have just been catching up on all my fav blogs only to find your sweet little girl broke her leg!.....poor little thing :( And poor you! Its hard enough for us with a seven year old and his broken arm....let alone a little one with a broken leg and full clunky cast. However she does look incredibly adorable sitting there full of smiles with her icecream :) xx

  4. Precious dot - ice-cream makes everything better xx

  5. Ohhhh look at her the wee precious thing
    Beautiful smile and gorgeous dress

  6. There's never a bad time for ice cream. Glad to see her smiling!


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