
September 07, 2013

Broken 35/52

Our little girl took a tumble playing with her friends... who would have thought it would result in surgery to re-align the worst of the breaks, nights spent in hospital, lots of x-rays and two casts!

The prescription now is cuddles, distraction, pain relief, giggles, sleep and elevation :)

I wish she had a better understanding of why she can't get up and run around.  "I fall down Daddy, I can't get up!"  It is a little heart breaking at times, but she has been really brave and is coping quite well with the frustration of not being able to move.

Please - I would love you to give me some ideas for occupying a toddler who can't put any weight on their leg for six weeks.  We have a long road ahead of us so any ideas to help entertain our little girl will be a godsend.


Thanks so much to our lovely friends who have visited, delivered home cooked dinners, lent us dvds and puzzles, and brought flowers.    You know who you are and we think you are awesome.  xx

Previous portraits here

Joining in with Jodi and the 52 Project


  1. Oh Lisa!!! Your poor wee poppet! and poor you guys too.
    I had two friends with their children in casts last year.. I'll ask them for their suggestions.
    Much love to you

  2. Oh dear. My only things are to take her outside. Go to parks and look at the flowers, go to any animal petting area - I am assuming she will be ok in a buggy and so being out and about is quite good.

  3. Oh no! Poor wee thing :( I'll try and think of some good ideas! xxxx

  4. oh no! how awful for you all, poor little thing :-( Perhaps a wheelbarrow chariot that you can decorate together, something she might find fun to get around in while she cant walk around herself... Wishing for a speedy recovery! Belinda x

  5. Poor baby!!! Off the top of my head - pop up books, play dough, blanket forts, modeling wax... Hmmm. Not sure what else... Good luck!!

  6. oh rough!!! I'm thinking baby gym style (stuff you can look at from above?) I saw a cute idea of taping durasel sticky-side up onto a tray and let her go crazy decorating it and then put another layer of durasel on top, hang on the window. .... sorry I can't think of anything else xx lots of love xx

  7. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this! I really hope she recovers quickly! xx

  8. Breaks my heart :( Big hugs to you guys xxx

  9. aww this bought tears!! Little poppet! Feeding ducks in the buggy,Movies and popcorn, painting (tray). hugs!

  10. I heard about this from Leonie, poor little mite. Hope she gets the lighter cast soon.
    P.S. Love to you, hope you are good and things went ok xxxxx

  11. much love for a speedy recovery - whenever we have illness, I set her up on the sofa and grab my crafting stuff, and lovely books and usually just be with her, reading much and when she slips into doze-mode, I knit or craft...hope that's helpful...sending finest, golden wishes xoxo. Oh - and maybe make a bandage for the leg of her favourite 'doll/guy/toy' to hang out with her - so she can afford it the same kind of attention you are giving her - she might find that to be a way to integrate what's happening...and to understand that her doll needs 'lots of resting now'...?

  12. oh no! poor little love! (and poor you-hope your ok, so scary and heart breaking when they hurt themselves)
    Lisa, you could get an ergo (try belly beyond) and carry her around where ever you go-that way she'll feel like she's not missing out and no danger of accidentally weight bearing. and agree with wildflower, the sick teddy with a bandage thing is a good way to help her understand things. you all take care xxx

  13. Bless her little heart, it doesn't get easier for parents even when the child is in their 40's and he pits his m/bike against 3 cars! What about making up stories together, if she has a window into the garden seeing how many birds, butterflies etc she can see. Colouring, making things together that can be done whilst she's in this position. Get your camera out and have a completion on how many funny faces you can make.

    Everything crossed for a full recovery for your darling little girl, children are so precious no matter what their age.

    Peg xx

  14. Much love to you and wee M

  15. Hey, Lisa, remember when I was testing out your pea coat pattern and after I'd finished said I'd never do it again? Well, turns out that I had to let it sit there for half a year because I think I'm going to give it another go again. My neighbors' daughter is 1 and strangely enough I've got an urge to sew again.

    When my husband saw "print pattern" on my to-do list today, he put a little note on it and asked me, didn't I say that I was never going to do it again? And I sort of went, yeah, I did, but that was straight after I'd done it, and now it's changed - and he was like, uhm, okay, *smirk*.

    I think I'll let you know how I go and send you some photos. I bet it's going to me much easier this time!

    And to your little one, big hugs. I know it's probably not the best advice, but when all else fails there's lots of Pixar cartoons out there =P. And I'd second Max on that carry-her-around idea, though I myself would go with a Phil&Teds backpack any day. I don't know how much she weighs but when I carry my kid around (he's 2) the backpack is really the way forward because otherwise I'd have to go to a chiropractor to straighten up all MY joints and bones afterwards. They're heavy little buggers.

  16. My goodness, poor little dot and poor mama! Lots of hugs, cuddles and kisses, hope she will feel a little better soon. Jx

  17. Oh, so sad. My daughter did the dame when she was one. I was astonished at how quickly she began moving again. I think we took longer to get over it than she did!
    The only thing I wished we'd done was splash out in a waterproof cover- baths and swimming pool would have been a major relief.
    Speedy recovery!


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