
January 29, 2014

Op Shop Finds - Wooden Balls

So stoked to find these gorgeous wooden balls on a recent op-shop adventure.  Solid and heavy in your hand, they are beautifully worked with inlaid strips for the princely sum of $1.

Although I doubt they were made as toys, perhaps more likely as decorations but added to our basket of play balls they are a great addition for learning the difference between rolling and throwing.  In case you are wondering, these ones are just for rolling!

I'm sure there will be a game or two of skittles in our near future.  I mean who could resist playing with these babies.


Linking up with The Op Shop Showoff,  The Nifty ThriftyCoastal CharmMagpie Monday and Sirthiftalot.


  1. ooo those are lovely x

  2. wow, they are really beautiful! such good finds on the cheap!

  3. Wow these look great and fun x

  4. My goodness what delicious balls! Sorry, couldn't resist.

    They are lovely and your photos are gorgeous x


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