
February 18, 2014

Embroidery Yarn Storage - Op Shop Find

When I stumbled across this flattish, sturdy, basket at the op-shop the other day I knew I had the perfect use for it.  What could that be you ask?  Well I have been looking for a good way to store my embroidery yarns.  A while ago I wrote about how I stored my hand stitching threads and have been pondering a practical way to store my embroidery yarns ever since.

Not so much storing the full balls for knitting or crochet, but the small bundles, odds and ends, tapestry wools etc.  Preferably in a way that you can see all the colours together so you don't have to rummage through them and they can easily be transported from studio to lounge (as they many flights of stairs away from each other!)

This large, flat basket with a handle was an obvious solution and I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before now.  Simple sometimes is genius.

My botanical embroideries call for lots of different colours to give depth and detail and often I only use very small amounts, just enough for a few stitches of each colour which means I tend to have all sort of little odds and ends lurking around.  

So all the tiny little bits I wound onto these wooden pegs.  A lovely reader sent them in a care package for our little girl to make peg dolls when she was off her feet.  It was such a generous package of pegs I pinched a few but don't worry there were plenty for her doll making!

The basket investment $2.
And just because all the colours look so beautiful, here are a few more pics...


Linking up with The Op Shop Showoff,  The Nifty ThriftyCoastal CharmMagpie Monday We Call it Junkin and Sirthiftalot.


  1. An excellent find ! And yes they do look ever so pretty

  2. Oh wow they do look beautiful all on show like that. Perfect storage solution.

    Thanks foe linking up x

  3. Looking awesome! Such a happy collection stored so prettily! x

  4. ooo yes so wonderful!

  5. Those are gorgeous. Glad I just found your beautiful blog, you're living the dream life! :D

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Wow, great deal on a lovely basket, and you surely do have some gorgeous colors of yarn in there. Thank you for sharing this at my History & Home link party this week, I'm so glad you found us and hope you join again! Take care - Dawn @ We Call It


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