
March 03, 2014

Colour Me - Fuchsia

Lately I have been noticing groups of gorgeous, glorious colours around me, so thought I would do a little series featuring colour.  So starting this month - Fuchsia.

The vivid, unmistakable yet simple style and colour of the fuchsia is an endearing childhood memory for me.   We had a fuchsia bush at the edge of our garden and I used to love popping the blooms, making them open a little sooner to see the little "ballerina" dresses inside.

Here is my happy little collection...
  • A fuchsia embroidery I made for The Hottie Project.
  • Lovingly hand knitted slippers from the ever-gorgeous Forest Folk shop.  A fund raiser for the kindergarten orchard project at our little girl's Steiner school.
  • Felted fuchsia wool being made into my little winter hats.
  • Vintage fuchsia embroidery, borrowed from my stash for a tea-party on the deck (actually a pic taken last year which I recently found)

I hope you enjoyed it!



  1. I loved doing the exact same thing with the fuschia bush at my childhood home. I love this colour and the last photo is so adorable.

  2. Such a pretty lovely warm colour x

  3. I smiled at your fushia flower memory
    I too used to do that

  4. Hello Lisa..I adore all your fuschia gatherings! Little Nina my niece always picks fuschias ballerina from my garden when she comes to visit. A friend showed me once how you can make a hole through the stem with a fat needle & then poke the skinny stem that the flower was hanging on through the hole to make the dancer some arms....very sweet. Those little slippers are dazzlingly gorgeous!! I just love all those colours together. I always fancy them as being Bohemian colours. They are so full of life & sumptuousness. It looks like you had a lovely birthday. What delightful requests : ) You are capturing some very precious moments with your photos. Really real treasures not just snap shots. Much love for a happy week. Catherine x0x0x


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