
May 15, 2014

Blanket Boots

I've been promising pics for a week or so and here they are - my first batch of new Blanket Boots!
After a squillion trial pairs (you can see the making of them here) these are some of the first to leave the studio. 

I love them so much!

Warm and cosy, flexible, fulled lined, leather soles with thick a lovely thick felted wool insole and of course featuring some of my favourite embroidery designs.  Oh and some gentle elastic to keep them snugly onto active feet.  

With the days getting cooler I have started donning my slippers too.  Normally they are pulled on late afternoon before I start cooking dinner as the tiles in the kitchen are quite chilly underfoot. My poor slippers, however, are in a rather sorry state so sometime soon I hope to have a play with some ladies size slippers.  Up until now I have only made clothing in children's sizes but receive constant requests for adult sizes so perhaps this might be the beginning of something new?

I'm not sure how long I will be making these boots for, as working on my new pattern designs will be taking much of my time for the remainder of the year. So if you fancy a pair, now is a good time to drop me an email ( as I am taking orders for a limited number over the next month or so.  They go from newborn to about age 8.

You can take a closer look at the bumble bee, dandelion and flower ones here and here.  They make me smile just looking at them :)


Linking up with Leonie at Show & Tell


  1. These are so gorgeous, that turquoise pair *swoon*, I hope that they will be a popular seller for you.

  2. I love them, I love them, I love them! That is all xx

  3. They are adorable. Incey wincey spider very cute. I'm also longing to see more of that old wrinkly quilt.


  4. Absolutely gorgeous Lisa :-) I simply cant choose a favourite pair out of the 3 in the last photo. Well done :-)

  5. OMG I love these super super super much
    I'd love a pink pair with dandelions in womans size 37 - so that is a YES I think adults slippers is a necessity

  6. Ha ha sounds like you'll have to make them for big people too soon : ) Very clever, indeed. Love them all too. The red gingham inside the blue is very snazzy. Mmm yum tomato that recipe. Have a lovely week. Much love Catherine x0x0x

  7. oh they turned out wonderful!

  8. i'm with cat - how good would I look in these slippers?? I'd look fabulous I tell you!!!! :o) xxx beautiful work

  9. Definitely upsize! I'd love some.

  10. oh they are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I need some of these too!

  11. They are so cute. The embroidery is just charming.

  12. lisa, how can we get you to apply for this? i really want you in their "best creative business" category, but i can't nominate you myself, i think.

    what do you think?

  13. They are so cute, love the spider

  14. These are gorgeous Lisa! They really do look so snuggly and warm, and I love the addition of your lovely embroideries....I like how the pirate pair join up together as a map! so sweet :)


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