
May 06, 2014

Violet Embroidery - Op Shop Finds

For years now the violets at my mum and dad's house have flowered at easter.  Thinking to myself I haven't noticed any flowering yet, I slipped out to our garden have a look and see.  
I'm so glad I did, there were two vibrant yet unassuming little faces there which I would have completely missed as I went about my day.  I actually sat down and spent a moment or two admiring their colour and intensity. It was a lovely few moments. The world stopped.

This little cloth embroidered with tiny violets was purchased from our local op-shop and I feel quite inspired to make a little something from it today.  Perhaps a tiny skirt for our little girl's doll, or a wee coin purse or a feature yoke on a wool coat?  


Linking up with The Op Shop Showoff,  The Nifty ThriftyCoastal CharmMagpie Monday We Call it Junkin and Sirthiftalot.
These photos taken a while ago, not the same two fresh violets :)


  1. I love violets, so small and shy, yet such a lovely scent.

  2. Pretty, Violets were always my Mum's favourite flower, the scent of some are so wonderful.

  3. What a treasure you are stopping to really "look" like that : ) I adore violets. They are quite, quite magical. I have just discovered my first double violets are out. They are a pretty soft mid violet colour, with the most incredibly powerful fragrance. Congratulations, by the way, on your Pixie Coat front cover accolades...well done! So exciting.Hope you're having a lovely week. Much love Catherine x0x0x

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Both are lovely, the handkerchief and the real flowers, too. Glad you were able to spot them both. Thanks so much for sharing this at History & Home this week, take care - Dawn @ We Call It

  5. Pretty! I dont know why but they always make me think of nana's with knowing smiles stitching in the sun...

  6. it's lovely to see that dainty embroidery next to its little muses! a sweet little find.


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