
July 30, 2014

Becoming a Pattern Tester

You might have noticed that I have taken a wee break from taking custom orders for a while and one of the reasons is to spend some time focusing on the pattern side of Big Little.  In the coming months I will be working on quite a number of new designs which I am incredibly excited about. 

If you happen to follow Big Little on Facebook you will no doubt have seen the call for pattern testers in the past, and the large number of people jostling to be chosen once the call goes out.  This process has worked well previously, however, I have been hankering for something a little bit more inclusive, more friendly.

What I would dearly love to do, is gather together a "pool" of like minded crafters - a collaboration of sorts with a bunch of lovely, kind-hearted fellow sewers.   Members of the selected pool would receive complimentary copies of patterns in exchange for testing them, but it is more than that.  It is the chance to take part in something, be a valuable part of the sewing community and of course it is always fun being the first to try a new design.

You don't need to be an expert sewer.  I always like to have a mix of beginners and more experienced sewers, as patterns will eventually be sewn by a variety of people with various sewing skills.  It is important that absolute beginners feel the patterns are achievable too! 

So what is involved?
  • Sew up the item in the size agreed upon.
  • Ensure all the pattern pieces print correctly.
  • Check the "fit" of the garment and make note of any adjustments needed.
  • Provide feedback on the tutorial, suggest improvements to areas that may be unclear.
  • Note any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Take photographs of the completed item.
  • In some cases review the pattern and/or write a blogpost together with your finished pics.
  • Receive a brand-spanking updated version of the pattern for your further sewing pleasure :)

So how will the testing pool work? 
When I have a new pattern ready for testing, members of the testing pool will receive an email with a description of the pattern, possibly a photo, sewing difficulty and a timeframe in which it will need to be completed.  If it sounds like one you would like to try, you simply reply to the email with the size you would most like to make and we go from there.

So how do I join?  
I would love to have you join me on this adventure!  Please drop me an email to with the subject line PATTERN TESTING POOL and I will reply with further information on the selection criteria.  I am so excited to get started on this next stage of my journey and I do so hope to work with some of you very soon.

Lisa x


  1. Eeeeee! That is all.

  2. I would love to help, such a beautiful little jacket. I am very excited to see you are creating new patterns x

  3. hmmm I'm very tempted! Exciting times ahead for Big Little! xxx

  4. What a cute little jacket!! exciting times ahead :))

  5. I was walking in Hagley park with my little ones last week, and in front of me were three little girls in woollen fabric jackets. I looked and I looked and the more I looked, the more I thought, "I bet this are Big Little." When their mom/caretaker caught up with me I asked if they were triplets - no, she said, twins plus another one close in age - but because she seemed rushed then I didn't start bugging her by asking if these are Big Little jackets.

    But now I think back to it and wonder =). And I still bet that these were yours, either made by you or made using your patterns, because they just looked so... you.

    I love the clothes you make. And embroidery. I love pretty much everything you make!


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