
January 20, 2015

So Many Fun Things

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments on my last post.  It is such a wonderful time now, only a few months to go until the big arrival.  In saying that, it seems I have a bunch of projects that I would love to finish up before baby arrives so I can "relax"  and enjoy those precious early moments without any pressures or distractions and simply just "be" with baby and our family.

Sometimes do you find that when you have so many things on the go - you don't want to think about it so you start on something new?  I have been so guilty of this lately.

This morning I woke up and looked at the table and almost laughed at all my half finished projects from these holidays.  As it might be a while until some of them come to fruition - so I thought I would share with you what is going on behind the scenes...

First this little bumble bee and flower embroidery for our little girl.  It is going to be a "stitching bag" which was destined for part of her Christmas present, but now it will be part of her birthday present :)

The squillionth revision of my soon-to-be-released "Village of Toadstools" pattern.  It turns out printing on the backs of old sheets of paper is not a great idea - when the wind blows your papers on the floor you then don't know which is the right or wrong side.  Hmm.  The test for this pattern is about to start and I can't wait!

Trialling the pattern for my new larger sized unisex Pixie Hood Coats - which will be coming out in sizes 7-14 and possibly even ladies sizes :)

A new 16" Big Little doll in the works...
Had a bit of a hankering for embroidering on linen lately, so thought I would make a linen dress for the new 16" doll with some daisy embroidery.  Oooh she might have to be called Daisy - I think she might be blonde.

Our little girl has "ever -so-nicely" asked for a pink ballerina dress for her doll.  Surely a request like that is something this Mama can do, so the fabric is ready and cut out.

I had this thought a month or so ago that it would be lovely to have Big Little Pixie Coats for the dolls, so the children could match with their little friends.  This is trial number four or five I think - getting there slowly.

Of course you can't have a winter coat without some boots, so have been playing around with them too.  I don't even want to tell you how many doll boots I have made so far - it is embarrassing!

The yellow fabric is for a summer dress for our little girl.  She picked the colour and fabric a few weeks ago, but we are yet to decide on the pattern.  Someone is hoping for an off the shoulder ball gown like Belle but I am working on her expectations!  Blue floral fabric was for a summer dress for Mum for Christmas, and then her birthday but will surely get started on soon.

This is a pretty exciting pattern I started working on over a year ago, but have finally picked up again.  It is going to be Big Little's first dress pattern!  Can be made in winter fabrics and worn over a long sleeve top and tights, or a short sleeved version in lightweight fabrics for summer.   I somehow think this one might be towards the end of the pile as I really do need to spend a lot of mental energy getting this one perfect, so it might have to be a post-baby project.

This is another doll I am working on creating the pattern for - she is a very sweet little doll who is smaller than "Fleur" and stands about 10 inches.  The perfect size for littler hands to carry around, she is proving quite popular around here.  I love her so much!  There are lots of revisions and alterations to be made to her yet - just need to find a little time..

This cape is part of a big project I am working on involving about eight to ten different garments, some of which will be patterns in the new winter collection if I get them finished in time!  These are the samples going to a photo shoot in Alaska in order to be shot in the snow, with beautiful bare trees and winter landscape by the same talented lady who took this pic. Pretty exciting stuff - lots of work to be done on them yet and they are going to be just lovely.There are a couple of new ladies patterns in there, so stay tuned for those :)

Last but not least on my table at the moment are these little Flower Boots which is my next pattern to be released after the Village of Toadstools.   I can almost tick this one off, they simply need photographing then are next in line for the testing process. Yay :)


I don't suppose I should mention that these are only the things that are on the upstairs dining table, let alone what is in progress on the table in my studio...

So my mantra for the next month is "Simply work on one fun thing at a time Lisa!" while taking time to rest and relax -  the very important job of baby growing comes above and beyond all else, so if nothing gets finished - that is just fine too :)  Just don't start on any new projects!

So do you have lots of things on the go at the same time?  Or are you a "start and finish before starting another" type?  What are you working on - I'd love to have a peek...



  1. WOW! That is a lot of wips, they give such insight into your creative mind - and how cute is that mini pixie coat for Fleur! Can't wait to see how the Alaskan photos turn out - it sounds like a magical setting.

  2. You have a very important job, you are a Mum with another on the way very soon, glad you have the attitude of just enjoying the process. All your projects look lovely, but the boots in the last photo are fabulous!

  3. Wow Lisa, you sure have been busy. I dont know how you achieve all that you do. I just adore those wee boots & look forward to that pattern being released :-) Mind you, those toadstools are pretty darn cute too . . .

  4. Such amazing projects you have created!!! Wow!!! Just absolutely fantastic!!! Best wishes in the weeks to come!!

  5. Oh my goodness! I can't fathom all those amazing things you've been working on! I am especially excited about a larger jacket sizing, my daughter has grown out of the largest size and I'd dearly love to make her another one. So much going on, one thing at a time for sure! xxx

  6. Ooh I have the perfect tutorial for a dress for that yellow fabric! It's slightly Belle-esque to satisfy your little, but a bit more practical to wear!
    It's in one of my gazillion open tabs on my desk top for me to make!

  7. Jeepers! You have been busy! It all looks amazing!

  8. Wow! This would make a great blog feature - I bet we all have a table full of half completed projects! Yours are just of a much more exceptional quality! haha!

    Pllleeeease release a pixie ladies size! i'll take a medium please ;)


  9. I'm overwhelmed with all the gorgeous projects you have on the go!! They are simply beautiful! Gosh good to know I'm not the only one with a so many projects unfinished! And yes I always get the urge to start something new despite the growing UFO piles! So refreshing, I just can't turn down a new project!

  10. Oh how much fabric would be needed for a woman's pixie coat?? I might have to buy some fabric just in case you need someone to test the lady version!!! x

  11. It is a bit overwhelming looking at it all! Hope you are happy with progress xx


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