
April 10, 2015

First Days

You will have to excuse a proud Mama for a week or so as I take a break from creating with needle and thread and share with you some pics of our real life creation!  The wonderful blur of milk and sleep has enveloped us.  Days melding together and time standing still.  Although waking from those short deep sleeps is a struggle, the smell and feel of milky cuddles is like nothing else on earth.

We spent six days together in hospital and I watched him slowly unfurl - his teeny tiny wrinkled hands softening and those delicious feet changing from newborn purple to soft pink.  Amazingly he has exactly the same "star" on the ball of his foot as his big sister.
I'm so grateful to have my Honey home with us for a few weeks  as we find our new normal back home in our "treehouse.  Big sister loves to stroke his hair and give him head kisses. I love his drunk face after finishing a feed and daddy loves his little man to pieces.



  1. He is simply delicious and I do love that star on his foot !! !!

  2. Oh so precious!! congratulations to you all as you get to know your new little baby xoxo

  3. Oh so scrumptious! Delicious blur it is but yep nothing like a milky newborn... Treasured moments, enjoy xxx

  4. Gosh he is sooooo beautiful Lisa ... I just want to reach into my screen & give him a gentle hug & a squeeze x0x

  5. ohh he is loovveelly xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. OH my!!!! Congrats my friend!!!! He is perfectly beautiful!!!!!!!!! Life is good! Enjoy your sweet blessing! Nicole xoxo

  7. He is just so sweet! I can nearly smell his lovely baby smell from here!

  8. Wonderful! Congratulations, what a gorgeous wee man.

  9. Gorgeous photos, such love radiates from them.

  10. Such a wee sweetie; enjoy :)

  11. Congratulation on the birth of your new baby boy and new addition to your family. Your photos are so amazing and brought back memories... thank you!


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