
October 19, 2013

Goldilocks Unwashed

This is the hair of a toddler which hasn't been washed for 7 weeks.

Amazing isn't it!

I have heard people say that if you leave your hair unwashed for long enough it "normalises" itself.  I was a little skeptical but I can speak from experience now.  There is absolutely no smell, no oiliness, just lovely soft yummy hair. Her scalp went a little bit flakey after a few weeks, but it just came right by itself and now her hair is gorgeous once again!

Tangles are, however, an issue.  When one spends quite a bit of time on a bean bag with a broken leg,  the inevitable rubbing on the back of the head rapidly creates "bird's nests".  Without the option of washing and conditioning the tangles out they build up very quickly.

Here is an example of our daily before and after, but do read on...

Our little girl has issues with us brushing her hair at the best of times, but add a bunch of extra tangles and it escalates into a nightmare.  How do you keep on top of it and keep your sanity?  I was beginning to think a drastic hair cut might be the answer, but I really didn't want to lose her lovely hair.

So here is the answer.  Detangling spray.  We have been using this one since her accident.
Spray it in.  Brush out the tangles.
It really works.

Our favourite tangle free styles for when you cannot wash your hair (with a cast on) are:

  1. French braids
  2. Regular braids
  3. Pigtails/bunches on each side. 
The single ponytail isn't as good as when lying on the bean bag it pokes into the back of the head.  Leaving hair down is the most tangle prone of all - after only a few hours you will kick yourself!

So there you have it.
If you are ever tempted to not bother washing your toddler's hair it will not be the end of the world.  Here is living proof that you can have beautiful clean unwashed hair!



  1. Look at her beautiful locks!
    I totally agree!! we did the "no 'poo " thing with our girls a couple of years ago and it was amazing how lovely their hair was.
    Even now we only wash once a week (at most). Tangles are the least favourite here too for my youngest who also has fine long long blonde hair.

  2. I have been tempted to try this unwashing for my own hair. After a shower I feel so cold and especially when I've washed my hair.
    Her golden locks look beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous locks on a gorgeous girl :). That detangling stuff is awesome xx

  4. My daughter is the same age and I've kept her long locks aswell. I can't bring myself to cut them! We don't wash it too often either and don't have any problem. We use the detangler spray also, great stuff. I made your classic pea coat for her from your pattern. It turned out really lovely, thanks for the pattern and clear instructions. I'm keen to try the red riding hood cape next!

  5. My boys don't wash their hair and the only time I do wash it is when we find nits (which has happened 3 times total for 2 boys) or if something noxious lands in it. It doesn't smell and we'll revisit if it should start to smell.

  6. Look at her beautiful long hair !! !! !!

    We are back off to the Dr's with Mr 8's legs after his fall - something just isn't right

    Hope you are doing ok xxx

  7. Wow, gorgeous hair! I have tried no-poo with my own hair before but as it is so curly it didn't work too well.


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