
October 17, 2013

On My Worktable - A Special Embroidered Sweater

I recently finished a very special sweater.  Time in my studio has been slim on the ground since our little girl's accident, but the opportunity for quiet hand stitching in our living room has been abundant.Caring for an injured child takes a lot of energy and I think it is important to make sure you are doing something for you each day too.  This wee sweater embodies letting go of to-do lists and housework and enjoying fifteen simple minutes a day quietly stitching and re-energising myself for the rest of the day.
A simple, beautifully hand knit, classic oatmeal wool sweater was the starting point.  Each day saw the slow and steady addition of a red poppy waving in the breeze, with a meadow of little forget-me-nots at her feet.

A dandelion lets go of some of her seeds, to float and fall as they will...

Slowly, gently a wildflower garden begins to take shape. A friendly bumble bee takes flight from coloured flowers and a few daisies.

Certain projects become close to your heart, representing the lovely time you spent creating them.  My little girl at my side helping to choose the colours and happily playing with the yarn made for such a lovely experience and a garment imbued with love.

This has been a wonderfully fulfilling and joy inducing project.  I think I will carve some time to work on more unscheduled "makings" like this amongst my orders in the latter half of this year.

Perhaps you may find a few more ready-to-ship items in my little shop because of it - and when you see them there you will know they have been embroidered slowly and with copious amounts of love.

.... Most likely accompanied with a nice cup of tea and a home baked cookie too :)


I don't have anyone in my life to fit this sweater right now, so if you are interested in investing in my beautiful hand knit and embroidered woolen sweater before I list it in my shop, please email me at the  $58.  Thanks! x

Linking up with Show and Tell x


  1. Oh so pretty. Love that eventhough you are not making it for yourself the making itself is for you. I feel similarly for the crafts I do.

  2. looking after yourself is so important as a mum :) Good on you for finding some precious time for yourself xxx

  3. Your embroidery & your detail is absolutely beautiful Lisa. Yes we need to stop & take these moments for ourselves every day I feel .... & not feel guilty about it. My children have grown now & gone from home, but I still rush about like a mad thing most days & just to stop & have a cuppa & catch my breath is Oh so important, x0x

  4. Oh Lisa your attention to detail is amazing this sweater is amazing LOVE it

  5. So gorgeous - what a treasured item it will be x

  6. Way too cute! I love the bee!


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