For the first time in months I have started to see things again. You know, a tiny little detail which has made me smile, or something which has made me want to pick up my camera and take a picture. I can barely begin to tell you how good that makes me feel. Like the days of grey have been infused with delicious snippets of colour once again. I'm beginning to feel a bit more like me again, and it is so wonderful.
Without going into detail right now, I have been ill. Miserably so. Spending the last few months either in bed or at one medical facility or another and trying to hold it all together. Today is not the day for that long, long story, but let me say that it is not all bad news. Lots has happened, and at the same time, so much hasn't happened. But anyway, I'd love to share with you a few things which are feeling so good to me right now.
Parents. Both mine and my Honey's who have given so much time, energy and love to help us out, and travelling long distances to be with us during this tough period. I am so grateful for their support.
Knowing that even though the garden is a complete mess, there is much beauty within the chaos if I choose to look at the bits which make me happy Slowly, over time it will get cleared up and everything will feel so much sweeter knowing I have appreciated even the weeds.
Toast. There is nothing like plain toast when you just can't stomach anything, and even if it comes right back out, it isn't all that bad. Especially when that toast is from a loaf that your girlfriend hand made for you and bought round still warm in a tea towel, then left swiftly because she knew you couldn't cope with a conversation. Seriously, I have the best friends.
Sunshine. Spring sunshine. Warm, but not too hot. My Honey recently laid out some pillows under a quilt on the deck which I flopped upon and It. Was. So. Good. I almost cried. It felt like a little present.
So, there is my "feel good" list for the day!
I'm hoping to be here in this space again soon, all going well. Although instead of sharing my usual crafting adventures, it is more likely to be some simple snippets of my quieter days.
Hugs for you, glad your slowly feeling more like yourself and pulling through the grey misery of sickness and medical facilities. Enjoy watching summer appear form your deck!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what you were up to...
ReplyDeleteLaying on the deck, sick, and throwing up toast pretty much sums up what the first few months of my first pregnancy were like - and I'm kind of hoping that maybe you are, too? ;) - but whatever it is, I hope you will get better and better and better.
I've missed your posts.
I'm glad to see you back in the blogging world. Sorry to hear you have been unwell, I hope that your recovery is speedy and you feel better each day. I love the garden in Spring, even if it is tangled mess there are little bright blooms (Your garden looked pretty good in the photos!)
ReplyDeleteso glad that the colour is creeping back in, sounds like it has been super tough xxx
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear you are feeling like yourself again. Friendly home-made bread sounds like the cure all from heaven.
ReplyDeleteYay for lots of little presents xx
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa, its funny in that I was mowing my lawns on Sunday & - for some unknown reason - you popped into my head & I wondered why we hadnt heard from you in blogland for awhile. And then today I read your post. So sorry to hear you have been unwell but you sound like you are on the Up & Up now ... which is the main thing :-) Hope you continue to feel better & find pleasure in the small things. Sending gentle hugs x0x
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you've been unwell and I really hope you improve from here (no going backwards). Continue to enjoy the little things.
ReplyDeleteSorry to read you have been unwell, glad you are seeing some light and appreciating what life has to offer.get well soonxxxx
ReplyDeleteI was wondering where you have been. Glad to hear the world is brightening! We miss you in blog world!
xxx Sorry that you've been so ill, hopefully the worst is over. It's fabulous that you have such great family and friends to support you! xxx take care
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you've been ill ;'(
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you are !!
Thanks for posting and letting us know what happened. I was concerned, as I'm sure many others were. Thankfully, you're on the mend. Best wishes to you.
ReplyDeleteMany hugs and so good you can find happiness in the little things of life, isn't that what it is all about, family and friends and the beauty of our surroundings.